Friday, March 5, 2010

Believe in Yourself

Do you believe in creation? I do. I believe that God has created

Tapi kayak gimana sih purpose yang dimaksud itu? Apa satu macam tujuan aja yang kalo ga tercapai ya selamet dehhh hehehe.. naif nya mungkin seperti itu. Tapi kalau semakin dipikir kok kayaknya ga gitu gitu amat yah?? God almighty is SO CREATIVE! :), take a look around and see how b
eautiful the world is.

The color of the sky, flowers, gunung, pantai, rainbow, system siang malam, system organ tubuh manusia us-human and the beauty of this is that the creation process has a purpose. God made me for a purpose.dan mahluk hidup... man.... ga mungkin Tuhan punya rencana yang se-kaku itu.

Yang kalau satu itu ga tercapai yah ga tercapailah dan c
iptaan-Nya gagal, rencana-Nya gagal. Can't you see from His ceation so far?? :D So creative and maha agung, we human is not an "oops" product. This beautiful creation is for a purpose dan purposenya itu juga ga rigid but beautifully beautiful.........

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