Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting involve in the Business World

The more I read about business the more interesting it is. At first i wasn't interested in business for somehow in my mind business is all about money and I don't want to pursue money, I trained myself to be content with just what I have (in terms of money) so I can live my life free from worry and enjoy life not depending on how much money I have. But then I realized that makes me so careless and un-intelligent about finance management. Money represented by numbers that can measure, can energized business activities and business management is surely so much fun. It's all about strategy, creativity and passion. It is hard work but I do believe that hard work is so much better that have no work.

No wonder people like to relate business with the art of war, because it is war in the modern age and I begin to see some pictures why generals in the war age were so excited to go to war, because all of the excitement and because they are good at it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dreams Do Come True

"Dreams do come true, otherwise parents don't tell that to their kids" quoted from a friend, Harris Sutresna (I wrote ur name correctly right sir? :D) remind me that life is a journey and we are the captain of our own life. We navigate towards direction of our life purposes, encourage by our dreams and along the journey God bless us with comfort when the storm comes, with the north star when night comes, with a strong wind of hope and opportunity when we are ready. Each everyone of us has to live our own journey, learn all the skill needed to face whatever may come in the open sea and have a big heart to always be grateful and enjoy this journey.

So what is my dream? How I picture my life would be?
Some specifics I might still keep it in my heart but in general I want to make sure I give the best I can give to my generation so God is glorified. Sounds too theoritically? Of course, that's why we need to break it into specific goals in life. What do I want to do this year, next year, the next three years. Why I want it.

And do learn from experience, always make a plan for resting and enjoying life remember that journey suppose to be fun! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Financial Intelligence

"I'm not very good with numbers" hehehehe itu kalimat yang saya pernah ucapkan di salah satu informal meeting ketika sedang berhitung untuk buat planning dan saya tidak kasih respon. :D

Entah karena malas berhitung atau terlalu cuek sama yang namanya angka-angka, tapi selama ini saya sedapat mungkin menghindar dari yang namanya angka dan berhitung.

Tetapi sesuatu cukup menantang saya untuk perpikir, bermula dari mata kuliah Financial Management, salah satu mata kuliah yang sekarang sedang saya ambil di semester satu MMSI Bina Nusantara. Tugas kelompok saya dapat di pertemuan terakhir adalah presentasi review. Ketika saya buat slide untuk presentasi dan tergambar the big picture dari financial management maka semakin saya sadar bahwa financial management adalah salah satu skill yang sangat esensial dalam mengelola perusahaan.

Skill ini sangat penting karena menggambarkan kondisi nyata dari perusahaan, suatu ukuran yang jelas, konkret dan dapat menggambarkan kondisi perusahaan. Bagaimana perusahaan terbentuk secara keuangan, bagaimana memilih pekerjaan / project, seberapa growth perusahaan dan seterusnya. Dalam mengarahkan business development dari perusahaan dan penyusunan rencana strategis financial menjadi satu aspek sudut pandang yang sangat nyata.

Bagaimana dengan kehidupan pribadi? Ternyata financial management adalah salah satu basic skill yang sangat penting untuk menjalani hidup. Di bidang ini, ada salah satu tokoh muda yang saat ini sangat gencar mempromosikan perlunya skill ini dalam hidup. Lidwina Hananto yang websitenya bisa diakses di bisa jadi salah satu acuan untuk menerapkan financial management in everyday life :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I am Creative!

You think creativity only owned by the art people? Well think again.. :D
Creative is a very powerful word owned by every life background. Being a professional in information system technology, a manager in business world sure needs creativity.

Am I creative? Sure I am :)

Lets Start Blogging! ;)

The idea of blogging never occur in my mind actually. To open up thoughts to public sounds to scary to do.

What if it is stupid, what if it is humiliating, and so on.
But when I start building my confidence in me, I start to learn that whatever people are thinking my intention is pure and my purpose is just to share life with others, to connect with people and simply enjoy life!

"Lihatlah, Aku menjadikan segala sesuatu baru!" Rev 21:5